
  • Ratih Anbarini Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Henny Sri Mulyani Rohayati Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Kunto Adi Wibowo Universitas Padjadjaran



work from home, work-family conflict, work-family culture


Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia membuat pemerintah memberlakukan sejumlah kebijakan, salah satunya bekerja dari rumah (work from home/WFH). WFH bagi pekerja di Indonesia masih menjadi sesuatu yang asing, sehingga sulit menempatkan urusan pekerjaan dan keluarga sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pengaruh bekerja dari rumah dengan work-family conflict dan akan melihat pula bagaimana work-family culture berpengaruh terhadap work-family conflict dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif melalui survei. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bekerja dari rumah menyebabkan work-family conflict, serta work-family culture berpengaruh terhadap work-family conflict. Karena adanya pengaruh inilah, maka organisasi disarankan menerapkan work-family culture yang mendukung pekerjaan pegawainya, sehingga tingkat work-family conflict tidak menjadi lebih tinggi.    The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has forced the government to implement many policies, one of which is working from home (WFH). Working from home is still an uncommon concept in Indonesia, so it is difficult for workers to place between work and family matters. This study discusses the effect of working from home with work-family conflict and will also see how work-family culture affects work-family conflict using quantitative methods through surveys. The results show that working from home causes work-family conflict, and work-family culture affects work-family conflict. Because of this influence, it is recommended that organizations implement a work-family culture that supports their employees’ work so that work-family conflicts do not become higher.


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How to Cite

Anbarini, R., Rohayati, H. S. M., & Wibowo, K. A. (2022). PENGARUH WORK-FAMILY CULTURE TERHADAP WORK-FAMILY CONFLICT PEGAWAI YANG BEKERJA DARI RUMAH. Jurnal Ekobis : Ekonomi Bisnis &Amp; Manajemen, 12(1), 78–91.