Focus & Scope

Jurnal Akuntansi intended to be a medium for the dissemination of research results and exchange of scientific works Indonesia among academics, practitioners, regulators, and the public. Jurnal Akuntansi covering a variety of research approaches, namely quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. Jurnal Akuntansi focusing on various themes, topics, and the accounting and financial aspects, including (but not limited) to the following topics:

  • Public sector accounting
  • Management accounting
  • Islamic accounting
  • Financial management
  • Auditing
  • Corporate Governance (Corporate Governance)
  • Behavioral Accounting (Including Ethics and Professionalism)
  • Accounting Education (Ethics)
  • Taxation
  • Theory of Investment and Capital Markets
  • Accounting Banking and Insurance
  • Accounting information system
  • Sustainability reporting (Sustainability Reporting)

Determination of the article published in Jurnal Akuntansi through double blind-review process by the editors and reviewers to consider the relevance and contribution of articles to the development of the profession and accounting practices as well as the fulfillment of the basic requirements of journal publications. Editors and reviewers subsequently provide constructive feedback and evaluation results to the author of the article.